


Residents: Alison Gray (Chair), Anne Tizzard, Graham Dawes
Councillors: Cllr Pissaridou, Cllr Barnett
Officers: Robert Keelan, Grant Ritchie, Justine Harris, Richard Wheeler, Janet Dowdell, Martin Reid, Sam Warren, Geoff Cage, Francis Mitchell,
Press: Sarah Booker-Lewis,



1.1   Apologies from Cllr Allcock, Pat Weller and Rosemary Whitehouse



2.1   Graham Dawes suggested removing ‘in progress’ from actions unless the nature of the progress is indicated.

2.2   Alison Gray stated that Muriel’s guttering had been repaired.

2.3   Graham Dawes stated that the issue with repairs was that inappropriate guttering had been installed and that there was no specification as to who was responsible. Graham Dawes questioned whether the original inadequate guttering was paid for and was informed by Alison Gray that Grant Ritchie will look into providing a written response regarding guttering repair invoices for the next meeting.

ACTION – Grant Ritchie to provide a written response to the next meeting regarding the invoices for Muriel’s guttering repair.

2.4   Martin Reid stated that he will contact Rosemary Whitehouse regarding residents contaminated water supply.

2.5   Janet Dowdell informed Cllr Pissaridou that estate inspections will be resuming today (18 May 2022) in East Brighton and informed the panel that estate inspections would include resident representatives. Janet Dowdell informed Cllr Barnett that estate inspections would take place once a week across the city.

ACTION – Update on Estate Inspection routes and frequency to be bought to the next meeting.

2.6   Francis Mitchell informed the panel that the last two pages of the agenda detail how to engage with the Housing Committee.

2.7   Cllr Barnett expressed dissatisfaction with the housing department, citing response times. Martin Reid stated that housing officers have targets that need to be reviewed in relation to response times.

ACTION - Martin Reid to follow up with Robert Walker to provide more detailed responses to questions on page 20 of February’s Agenda.

2.8   Sam Warren informed the panel that there are now two named officers from Cityparks & Cityclean that the Community Engagement team are able to filter resident questions to.

2.9   Alison Gray stated that although Parking Services are open, the phones are only manned until 13:30.

ACTION - Sam Warren to ask a member of Parking Services to attend the next meeting.

ACTION - Sam Warren/Richard Wheeler to arrange meeting with CityClean regarding dog-waste bins in Greenleas Park.


RESOLVED - The Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as correct record.




3.1   The panel expressed satisfaction with the response provided by Grant Ritchie in relation to asbestos in Benson Court and the Ingram Crescent Estate.

3.2   The panel expressed satisfaction with the response provided by Melissa Francis in relation to recycling collections at Stonery Close that stated Cityclean management will undertake an investigation into missed collections in this area.

3.3   Alison Gray highlighted concerns that EDB bids can take a long time whereas Environmental Improvement Grants can proceed without resident consultation and was informed by Justine Harris that when the Environmental Improvement Budget is used there is often consultations with residents.

3.4   Alison Gray suggested that Residents Associations are included in consultation regarding Environmental Improvement Grants.

3.5   Cllr Pissaridou suggested that a list is produced and sent to Area Panels that details the progress of Environmental Improvement work.

ACTION – Justine Harris to look into more frequent responses in regards to Environmental Improvement work.

ACTION – Justine Harris to look into details of Environmental Improvement work.

3.6   Cllr Barnett & Cllr Pissaridou expressed concerns regarding the length of time it takes for Council housing stock to be re-let.

3.7   Martin Reid stated that, although there is more work to do, there is an upward trend in the number of homes being relet in the city and informed Cllr Barnett that he would follow up on vacant homes and home relet times in the next meeting.

              ACTION – Martin Reid to follow up on vacant homes and home relet times.



4.1   Martin Reid delivered the report on this item.

4.2   Alison Gray asked why some areas have had poorer performance since the last quarter and was informed by Grant Ritchie that ‘repairs calls answered’ performance had dropped due to staffing changes within the department. Grant Ritchie also stated that ‘emergency repairs within 24 hours’ had only dropped by one percent to 95%.

4.3   Cllr Pissaridou stated the importance of having emergency repairs dealt with within 24 hours, citing a resident in temporary accommodation who had to wait 48 hours for the Council to assist with her flooded flat. Cllr Pissaridou suggested an emergency repair number for Council tenants who are not accommodated in Council properties.

4.4   Grant Ritchie informed Cllr Pissaridou that repairs in temporary accommodation can fall within the responsibility of the landlord rather than the Council, contributing to repair times.

4.5   Martin Reid stated that tenants of non-council properties should be informed who to contact for emergency repairs.



5.1   Justine Harris delivered the report on this item as seen on page 3 of Addendum 1.

5.2   A Resident asked if there are different teams within the Council who deal with different aspects of anti-social behaviour and was informed by Janet Dowdell that the Council works in partnership with a number of stakeholders to tackle many different aspects of anti-social behaviour. Janet Dowdell cited that specialist professionals such as adult social-care workers are deployed where there are issues concerning mental health.

5.3   Janet Dowdell informed Cllr Pissaridou that anti-social behaviour can be reported to the Police, the Community Safety team or to Tenancy Services.





6.1   Alison Gray expressed joy that Muriel’s guttering had been fixed.

6.2   Anne Tizzard stated that community learning is free for all tenants of Hangleton and Knoll and communicated a number of community events occurring in the area.

6.3   The panel was informed that the Sheltered Housing Action Group (SHAG) would be starting up again in July.

6.4   Alison Gray was pleased with the progress of the Tulips she bought back from Amsterdam.


7 – AOB

7.1   There was no other business.

The meeting concluded at 16:06pm.